Guarantees and refund policyGuarantees and refund policy
More than 30 days before departure : 100%
30 days, or less than 30 days and more than 48h before departure : 90%
48h, or less than 48h and more than 24h: 70% of the total amount
Less than 24h: strictly no refund
In case of no-show or late at the given time: no refund
Refund will be processed under 14 days. -
All refund will be done minus the occuring bank fees. Total amount is based on total price, even if only a deposit has been paid.
Payment Terms
- Payments are due and payable without discount within thirty days from the date of the transaction.
- Any payment not made on the date agreed to our billing address bears interest at a rate of 1% per month without any prior notice being required.
- The mode of regulation is in effect the payment gateway via Omise and PayPal. No other mode of payment will be accepted unless explicitly granted in our society.